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We are committed to helping our clients get ahead and build on their financial futures.


Your financial goals may include the following:


  • Paying off your home sooner

  • Having an overseas holiday

  • Retiring comfortably

  • Putting your children through private school


Regardless of your goal, we believe the key to achieving your outcome is strategic planning and sticking to a set plan.




Our steps to achieving your savings goals:


  • Create a surplus - This is achieved through detailed budgeting to gain a better understanding of your current spending patterns and to identify inefficiencies or over spending.

  • Manage your surplus - once we have established a surplus we provide strategies to redirect your surplus with the aim of achieving your goal.

  • Track your spending and monitor your plan progress - we have the tools to help you keep track of your plan progress and ongoing spending. This is done through real time progress reporting on a monthly basis.




We'd love to hear from you

(07) 3251 3340



Justin Sherlock Pty Ltd ABN 45 114 569 229 trading as JPS Financial Services is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 456041) of Matrix Planning Solutions Limited ABN 45 087 470 200

AFS Licence No. 238256


Copyright © 2016

Justin Sherlock Pty Ltd T/A JPS Financial Services

Last Updated: 01/06/2022





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